Igeal Tumarkin, sculptor, and Painter, Theoretician and Stage Designer as well.
Was born in 1933, Dresden, Germany. Immigrated to Israel 1935.
Studies: 1954 with Rudi Lehman, Ein Hod.
1955-57 Worked as stage-designer for the “Berliner Ensemble” with Bertholdt Brecht.
1957-1957 Sculpted in The Netherlands, Germany and Paris, and became close to the Dada artists of Europe.
1961 Moved back to Israel.
Prizes: 1963 First Prize for Memorial of “Choulikat”;1968 Sandberg Prize, Israel Museum, Jerusalem; 1968 First Prize for Memorial to Sailors, Haifa; 1971 First Prize for Memorial for “Holocaust and Resurrection”, Tel Aviv; 1978 First Prize in the Biennale for Drawing, Reike; 1984 Reward from the President of the Italian Republic; 1992 August Rodin Prize, The International Sculpture Competition of the Open Museum, Hakone, Japan, for his sculpture Macht Arbeit Frei; 1997 Reward of Excellence, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany; 1998 Sussman Prize, Vienna; 2004 Israel Prize for Sculpture.
Repertoire of over 80 outdoor sculptures around the world.
Tumarkin frequently exhibits in Israel and in Europe and the U.S.A., and gained international recognition.
His art involves harsh political statements, what made him a very controversial artist, but at the same time, one of the most dominant figures in modern Israeli art.