Kahana Aharon

Aharon Kahana, Painter and Ceramist. Was born in 1905, Stuttgart, Germany. Immigrated 1934.

Studies: 1922-25 Academy of Art, Stuttgart, Germany, ceramics; 1927-1928 Berlin; Paris.

Prizes: 1938, 1953 Dizengoff Prize; 1958 Prize commemorating Tenth Anniversary of the State; 1960 International Prize for picture “The Martyr”, from Guggenheim Museum.

Exhibitions: 1948, 1954, 1958 Venice Biennale; 1953, 1959 San Paulo Biennale.

1948 A founder of New Horizons Group.

His works include a ceramic Wall for the campus of Givat Ram Univeristy.

Kahana died 1967. His house in Ramat Gan (By the architect Jakob Richter) became a museum.

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